Grand Opening of Lockyer Ave

Age Well Albany celebrated the Grand Opening of the new Lockyer Avenue Premises with colleagues, doctors, nurses and representation from Allied Health, WAPHA, Alzheimer's WA, NCWA, local government and GSDC.

Dr Tom Moodie shared two goals for Age Well Albany.

The first goal is to continue to strive  for integrated expert health care for older people.

We do not recognise age as a disability – we instead recognise the problems associated and unique to aging. These include changes in cognition, loss of mobility  frailty leading to a  loss of function and causing  unhappiness and suffering.  This is core business.  These problems have multiple complex causes. The solutions require a integrated team approach of doctors, allied health and nurses who have expertise in this area.  Therfore in the future, you can expect a growing range of clinicians with the right skill set.

Our second goal is  make our service Relevant and Accessible

Betty Davis said  “getting older ain’t no place for sissies” -  we’d like to think that our golden years should be easy but there not.  To make matter worse it sometimes feels that the systems set up to assist older people are more of a hindrance than help. Therefore for certain clients we will be looking to provide additional help to ensure that they are advocated for and supported to get the care they need when they need it.  We also acknowledges the cost is a barrier especially in a world where the health care dollar covers less and less. This is why we are interested in partnering with existing providers to enhance service or simply provide education and support. We will always be on the scout for novel funding opportunities and innovation to make services enticing, fun and accessible. We want to utilise technology in an easy and fun way that assists with managing disease and disability at home not in way that isolates or confuses people.  

We want you to share in the Age Well Albany vision. I hope you now have an understating of what we are about. I hope you can see opportunities for your services, your patients, or clients and most importantly your loved ones.

Below are some photos from the night.


What is dementia?